182 words Do you have an example of a time where you thought things weren't ever going to be okay, but with time they were good/better/pretty neat? 184 words Why does mainstream news almost always give bad news? 164 words How can I tell my brother his GF will ruin his life? 195 words Am I a shallow asshole for caring about appearance in relationships? 184 words Do you think it's okay for parents to hit their children as a discipline? 287 words How do I go about telling my parents I hate being at college and am on the brink of calling it quits just so I can go home? 218 words Megathread: Tell us what's on your mind. 206 words How long did the worst part of your life last? Weeks, Months, Years? 317 words Have you ever met a killer? 337 words Why do people hate trans people so much? 405 words Who disagrees that these are the priorities of funding to save humanity: education and agriculture. And why? 576 words Being male, it's almost impossible to say that I'm a feminist without sounding like a white knight, even if I'm not looking for sex, but it's just part of my morals. (Longpost Warning) 315 words Is anyone else a hypochondriac? What are you worried about lately? 906 words Tell us what's on your mind. 788 words I've been having some conflicting emotions about going to university. 384 words How can I help someone who is depressed and is thousands miles away? 511 words I want to live vicariously through you 330 words What you guys do to feel better when things are going wrong in every direction and you feel lost? 573 words Amber Rose's slut walk 371 words [NSFW] Sex isn't a necessity for me, and I feel out of place because of this. Anyone else understand?