Am I a shallow asshole for caring about appearance in relationships?

No, but it doesn't hurt to alter your perceptions a little. I wasn't very attracted to my wife when we first me - but after years of hook ups, failed relationships and one night stands with "hot" girls I had nothing in common with I realized I only ever wanted to be in a relationship with her.

Anyways, we all get ugly. Even the Keanu Reaves and Angelina Jolie's of the world get ugly, and fat too. Would you rather be ugly, fat old and alone for the last half of your life or be with someone you find unattractive when you're 16 and probably conditioned by porn and media to only like perfcet skinny bitches?

Of course, you ARE 16, so it's probably best you don't get into a serious relationship with a friend you respect, and that's exactly what you should tell her. If you guys are friends years from now then you will be able to reconsider your feelings. I got married at 24 and I still sometimes think it was too early, even though I'm quite happy. I also know if I hadn't had those relationship experiences ours probably would have failed very quickly.

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