What you guys do to feel better when things are going wrong in every direction and you feel lost?

Six hours later and nothing? I might as well give it a shot. I'm kind of in the same boat as you, bud. What do I do to feel better? I exercise. I meditate. I try to get out and meet people. No hookups or romantic relationship chasing, I just try to make friends with as many people as I can without angling for anything. It takes the pressure off, allows me to be myself.

A lot of people think they have to be good at something or be that special someone, but really it all comes down to just basic kindness. Kindness will get you farther than anything else. You have to be warm to attract warmth. Sorry if I'm rambling, but I'm doing the best I can with what I've got. I know what it feels like to be lost. Don't feel bad about living with your parents. Cherish your time with them, dude. You're an adult and just as much a source of support for them as they are for you. The only thing that really helps us not to feel lost is our connection with others. Cherish that. Remember, kindness is the one true universal currency.

Fuck. I'm sad and depressed and I got nothing. I don't know you, but I really do hope things get better for you dude. Get out there, meet people. Try new things. I wish I could tell you it gets better, but the truth is that it's up to you, and if you do the same things every day you're going to get the same things every day. You have to change what you're doing if you're unhappy with what you keep getting. Sorry if I'm off on a tangent and I really do congratulate you if you've made it all the way through this wall of text. I guess to sum it up into a tidy little TL;DR: Keep doing the same things, keep getting the same things.

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