153 words I'm sick and tired of people constantly misunderstanding me. 138 words Does anyone know why people (older men) are so threatened by Greta Thunberg? 158 words Think about life for a second 152 words Why is it that some people feel offended or feel that I'm angry when I just tell them how I feel about things? 376 words As you get older and more stone-hearted (realistic), you start to realize how people really are. 135 words Would like to engage in serious conversation about my philosophy of life 507 words I don't know what to do about this girl. 118 words I'm confused about my religion. 184 words Made a dumb mistake, scared myself, but feel too guilty & gross to tell therapist -- any perspective helps 183 words Being stuck somewhere you don’t want to live and worried about parents 239 words Has anyone actually overcome chronic depression and suicidal tendencies? 174 words I've managed to get access to every student grades in my school and most of my teacher's e-mail addresses, I don't know what to do now. 249 words I think if relationships were not such a societal nailed in thing many people would opt to be single and be be happy that way 408 words I just realised that I have been making a huge mistake for a long time. How can I forgive myself? 239 words Megathread: Tell us what's on your mind. 210 words Is not wanting to join the military or not being able to join the military an act of cowardice? 120 words Does your love of serious, thought-provoking conversation ever make you feel isolated? 142 words Is it okay to watch childrens TV series as an adult? 124 words i torture myself emotionally. not sure why i'm here. for connection maybe or useful ideas 213 words We know people don't come forward, so why aren't we talking more about giving them hope/courage to do so?