117 words As all these Lightsaber colours have now been brought into canon (magenta, Orange, cyan, etc) what do you think their meaning are? 150 words So what if the Leadership in The Last Jedi were women? 126 words With no disrespect to Vader in suit, I wish there was more time with Lord Vader pre-injuries. After spending my entire childhood wondering what his abilities were like without medical assistance (via suit), it was great to see finally witness it and I wish we had more. Anyone else agree? 157 words What Are Your Thoughts On Rian Johnson's Trilogy? 336 words Kylo Ren is not being redeemed 305 words What are some Sequel Trilogy criticisms that you disagree with? 133 words Happy 67th birthday to Liam Neeson, who played the most Jediest Jedi of all the Jedi. 234 words Me recreating the scene with Rey in the cave from TLJ 160 words Come December..we must take back what's ours 170 words Hayden Christensen and Ian McDiarmid reunited at SWCC today! 112 words I have never seen so many people comment that they're not going to watch something they don't care about 164 words So with L337-bot I've got something to say~ 123 words Solo: A Star Wars Story has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Visual Effects! 143 words I just rewatched The Last Jedi 139 words Why do people want Star Wars to crash and burn? 194 words I want to get into the Star Wars lore. Where should I start? 176 words How do you want IX to tie into the Prequels? 159 words ”Luke felt responsible. He just...walked away from everything.” 178 words [SPOILER] One thing I have a problem with in TLJ 217 words [SPOILER] One thing I have a problem with in TLJ