177 words r/The_Donald is imploding, following Trump's pro-gun control comments, users upset and expressing distaste with Trump, mods are banning countless longtime posters / anyone disagreeing with Trump. It's thoroughly good - and happening right now. 174 words r/The_Donald debates the ethics of jury nullification. 251 words Immigrant in r/Pics shares a photo of her new American citizenship. Users start a civil war over it. And not the action packed Captain America kind. 131 words Redditors argue over whether a gambler lost 7k vs 19k on the Viking-Saints game 160 words "Wikileaks Task Force" slanders journalist now critical of Wikileaks. Accused journalist debunks claims. Fountain of popcorn plugged when /r/wikileaks mods intervene with 999-day ban 208 words r/kotakuinaction taps drama over the lifetime ban of a Magic: The Gathering streamer 127 words /r/Christianity OP asks: "how can you be a Christian and a democrat?" 716 words Vegan picks a fight, meats his makers 155 words Is Pinball a sport? One commenter flips out. 182 words Unemployed former football player finalist for Time Person of the Year. /r/politics calmly discusses this. 221 words Some users behold the master race getting punched and are not pleased. 175 words A wealth of drama in /r/NewJersey - "As for minimum wage, it's not meant to be a career to support a family. It's for people in school or teenagers looking for some cash." 196 words /r/elderscrolls plunges into Oblivion as two users step into the digital Arena to find out whether Skyrim or Morrowind is the better game 329 words /r/incels has been banned. Discuss this happening here! 182 words Is it intolerant to want to shoot the KKK in Wolfenstein? r/xboxone examines both sides 182 words Canada bans harassment and protesting near abortion clinics: free speech advocates freak out 198 words An r/Conservative user appears in r/ShitRConservativeSays to discuss whether or not Liberals hate America 295 words /r/pussypassdenied makes it to /r/all 251 words After a former Fallout dev makes a variation of the "assume my gender" joke, users in /r/fallout and /r/gamingcirclejerk are irradiated with donwvotes. 283 words Short Film creator gets called out for buying karma to promote film in /r/Videos