431 words When a funny misunderstanding involving penis graffiti features a child leash, the dicks of Reddit are let off the chain about what restraining your toddler says about your parenting abilities. 131 words /r/fitgirls closed 123 words Several controversial communities have been quarantined, including /r/CringeAnarchy, /r/WatchPeopleDie, /r/TheRedPill, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, and many others. Discuss this dramatic happening here! 121 words Several controversial communities have been quarantined, including /r/CringeAnarchy, /r/WatchPeopleDie, /r/TheRedPill, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, and many others. Discuss this dramatic happening here! 144 words Is creating a highly detailed city in a video game a form of art? /r/CitiesSkylines seems to think so, while one user adamantly disagrees. 185 words The absolute cheek of addlepated fuckwits to question a users unmitigated gall at that are outside of their personal lexicon leads to an all out Battle Royale over who is using big words just to sound smart and who has the vocabulary of a mentally deficient preteen. 472 words Some users in /r/videos try to illustrate what loli is. This sparks an animated debate as to whether liking sexual cartoons of young children makes you a pedophile. Draw your own conclusions. 194 words DM posts to rpghorrorstories about one of his players. Subreddit is split on if he is at fault or not, either way he argues with people for two weeks. 135 words /r/technology debates the appropriate reaction after a man is charged with threatening to murder Ajit Pai and his family 434 words Redditor causes historical controversy by claiming Sanders supporters were heavily criticised on Reddit during the Democratic primary. 167 words Is traveling for 10 years made possible by couchsurfing and crowdfunding being a mooch or frugal? r/travel discusses. 220 words What happened to h3h3? One user suggests it started with Jordan Peterson appearing on the podcast. The results are as expected, many slap fights about 131 words Is Shadman a pedophile? Statement arouses the dead’s anger over in r/ComedyCemetary 154 words Somebody submits LateStageCapitalism to r/AgainstHateSubreddits. Literally every parent comment becomes a firestorm of drama and downvotes. 113 words Boulder City Council passes the first reading of an assault weapons ban and /r/Boulder loses it 251 words r/WDW re-opened for less than 1 day before sub is nuked and everyone is banned 266 words A ChapoTrapHouse thread causes /r/Drama to argue over Communism and whether or not Cuba has decent schools. Some don't appreciate it when an actual Cuban chimes in. 133 words Arguments in r/nba on whether certain biracial/multiracial players are considered white 241 words Author and savior of several marriages offers a helpful suggestion on the nature of cheating 171 words Martin Shkreli sentenced to seven years in prison, /r/news has a civil discussion