366 words The director of The Witcher does an AMA in her most critical fan sub. One user gets hurt and upset over its success, and claims it was just a publicity stunt to make her look good 127 words Mathemagicians at /r/occult try to understand magic squares and the number of the beast. Known scientist and elitist, born into a magical family of educated geniuses tries to help them. Uneducated morons don't listen to him. 265 words /r/nfl discusses then ins and outs of plea deals and whether or not an athlete can be forgiven for molesting his niece when he was 15. 202 words "Myself, I'm a bit of an Asianophile, live there, study the culture, have an Asian gf, etc, etc. Is it really so racist to..." 495 words Terry crews reveals he supports the Chinese government, drama ensues. 153 words Did Louis CK warn us about his chronic masturbation? Are jokes obvious on the internet? Are some people just dense? r/agedlikemilk explores the possibilities 291 words Pizza delivery man rats on customers for smoking weed when they don’t tip him, is he an asshole? r/TalesFromThePizzaGuy discusses 218 words r/food is arguing whether a chicken burger deserved to be known as a burger. 158 words Developing: Watchredditdie user accuses topmindsofreddit mod of supporting pedophilia in modmail with possibly fake screenshot 179 words "...how the fuck is he really selling that shit for that much money?" r/Kanye users have slight existential panic because gay fish over-charges for mediocre merchandise. 487 words The main sub of popular Youtuber Contrapoints bans the use of the word "truscum" after she used a highly controversial figure for a voice over in her latest video. The community is less than pleased about this. 137 words Redditor on r/totalwar makes a joke about Naggarond being the Alabama of WFB. South Carolina man takes umbrage with this until a mod channels his inner Ikit Claw and nukes everything. 121 words You get a ban, you get a ban, EVERYONE GETS A BAN! Mass ban wave goes out as admins update their bullying & harassment policy. 128 words /r/PewdiepieSubmissions revolt against the mods for being told to stop spreading false and antisemitic conspiracy theories. 267 words Bride-to-be is told she has to let the father of the groom poke around at her lady bits. Brave Redditor doesn’t beat around the bush calling her fake because of her “masculine writing”. 225 words mod on r/justkiddingfilms is exposed to be a racist australian Trump supporter. Mod responds by doubling down. 245 words A user gets angry at a comment because he never wants to experience private medical care. 116 words Mods on r/teenagers ban shitposts and a large majority of memes. Users are protesting by threatening to not post on Monday and downvote anyone who does post. Mods remove the post calling for the protest. 138 words Mods on r/teenagers ban shitposts and a large majority of memes. Users are protesting by threatening to not post on Monday and downvote anyone who does post. Mods remove the post calling for the protest. 249 words Trump blames shootings on video games, KIA leaps into action to defend.. Trump?