172 words Things get heated in the Garlicoin subreddit as one user calls another user out for liking hamburger helper. 136 words "All women pornstars are all infact men!", claims bold new mind in /r/Transvestigation 137 words Drama in r/confession after a woman admits to not loving her catatonic son and feeling relieved by putting him into a residential facility 163 words Is a child stripping for adults as part of a drag show child abuse? A few people disagree 192 words Is it okay to charge people more or less based on their race/perceived wealth? 271 words /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM discusses whether police doing their job is a good thing 261 words Seven-course argument about picky eaters in r/starterpacks 160 words An employee at Rockstar gets groped, and r/pcgaming is divided on whether or not to care 124 words Are Dany stans the worst? Does /r/freefolk have an unhealthy obsession with Emilia Clarke? A handful of rebels refuse to kneel for the Dragon Queen. 181 words User steals GIF r/freefolk and reposts to r/gameofthrones, eventually reaching #1 of r/all. When people start calling them out in the comments, r/GOT mods start deleting comments and lock the thread. 217 words "You're being intentionally ignorant" | /r/Movies member goes to the mat defending the honor of 'Attack of the Clones' from "meme arguments" 235 words Another long-time moderator of r/starwars leaves the subreddit, citing "the nasty few who are ruining it for everyone", as posters clash in the comments 176 words Pedophilia is mentioned. Naturally, one user must explain the technicalities. 156 words /r/pcgaming reacts to the /r/Games shutdown 146 words Does having an anal fetish excuse you from saying you should have just raped your girlfriend in the ass? /r/sex discusses 169 words R/piracy gets a modmail from Reddit Legal regarding 74 copyright infringments. Mods and users are all confused 175 words Is OP an asshole for asking an overweight woman on the bus to move? Discussions of the laws of physics and whether or not overweight people need to pay more ensues. 181 words Valve bans a rape simulator from being published on their platform. Gamers feel targeted as a result. 146 words /r/BreadTube discusses if PewDiePie is a gateway to alt-right philosophy, /r/PewdiepieSubmissions shows up to be angry about it 107 words In which /r/NFL users are mad that the mods tried to prevent them from making jokes about New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft being charged with prostitution related crimes after being caught on camera at a massage parlor accused of human trafficking