Weather needs a big update! If this isn’t foggy weather, I don’t know what is! How would you update/fix the weather feature?

I've had much foggier than that, as in can't see the closest car in your picture levels of fog, without the game giving foggy weather.

The in game weather around here is really only correct for sunny/clear. Wind, Rain, Cloudy, Partly cloudy are all mixed up. I've even seen rainy in game when it hasn't rained for days, and didn't rain in the next couple days. It's like it was somewhat cloudy so game felt like giving half day of rain.

A year ago I'd hit the report incorrect weather button like every few days. But it didn't seem to matter. At this point it'd be nice if Niantic just put a weather forecast in game, since whatever they're doing clearly doesn't match the real weather. When the weather system was new, people said it was based on AccuWeather, but when we compared it, it didn't match.

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