130 words One million Chinese people 'move into Muslim homes to report on Islamic or unpatriotic beliefs' 138 words Awesome 195 words Awesome 330 words Oh the irony 295 words The compassionate left, ladies and gentlemen. 133 words No seriously, LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR. We will go to war if you ban guns. DUMB FUCKING CUNT. 174 words Paris isn't Paris anymore 168 words Just out of curiosity. Where will you stand if POTUS chooses to do nothing about the voter fraud after saying he's going to do something about it. 172 words AM I TAKING FUCKING CRAZY PILLS!?!? THIS CORRUPT WOMAN IS LITERALLY DEFYING A COURT ORDER AND SHOULD BE TOSSED IN JAIL FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT!!! SHE IS TELLING A JUDGE TO GO SCREW!!! WHAT IS GOING ON?? Meanwhile she is STILL doctoring Democrat ballots!!! 147 words Donation site cuts ties with right wing org, ending months-long campaign by critics. This is the new strategy of the left, to hobble those they disagree with by going after their ability to accept payments. A chilling trend that threatens our ability to even organize against the leftist agenda. 191 words NYT morons think people want to go to the Middle East voluntarly. Pretty disgusting after nearly two decades of shitting on the Bush it's like they forgot who they are. 132 words "I Told The Military To Consider A Rock Being Thrown At Them A Rifle" Trump Comments On The Caravan 129 words James O’Keefe strikes again. Florida this time!!! 142 words The Stock Market is up massively since the Election, but is now taking a little pause - people want to see what happens with the Midterms. If you want your Stocks to go down, I strongly suggest voting Democrat. They like the Venezuela financial model, High Taxes & Open Borders! 151 words Nancy Pelosi’s protégé, Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, involved in $44 million weed company 144 words FITTON:WON'T BE PUSHED AROUND: Leftists attacking Judicial Watch for exposing taxpayer support for Soros. We won't stop. 233 words They were selling these at the TX capital. 188 words This woman used to run Reddit... 200 words Just cause I’m brown, doesn’t mean I vote Blue #MassPedes 130 words At work, guy sitting next to me is an EOD Officer. When he 1st saw a picture of the bomb. "Well that looks like a piece of shit"