251 words For those who want and advocate for illegal immigration, just take a good look at what has happened to Europe over the last 5 years. A total mess! They only wish they had that decision to make over again. 131 words WH comment on Obama, Clinton suspicious packages 154 words 2+ MILE LONG LINE IN ARIZONA at TRUMP RALLY 208 words Graham: Don't Give the Dems Power - 'Nancy Pelosi Will Welcome the Caravans Here' - Current total is over 50,000 people and growing - Every charity supporting this march should have their tax free status removed for active insurgency against the USA 178 words Reddit App isn’t really slick with their agenda huh 165 words Lunatic Fringe 136 words This Mexican-American just voted to make California Golden Again #latinosforJuanCox 124 words The Yeezy Effect: Underground hip-hop legend from Anti-Pop Consortium red-pills the NYC/Philly jazz and hip-hop community. 239 words Bryan Steil for Congress! 271 words Today is National Coming Out Conservative Day. Share your story of coming out conservative or as a Trump supporter 260 words 4 years difference. Friends don't let friends become liberals 141 words When WE go low? How did WE go low? 144 words Driving Miss Crazy 166 words **SALT MINE THREAD** LET'S WELCOME OUR NEW SUPREEEEEEEEEEEME COURT JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH - REDDIT SUICIDE WATCH CONTINUES 155 words GRASSLEY ASSUMING FINAL FORM ... 190 words I seriously thought that Lindsay Graham couldn't get any better, then BAM!... He lays this down. *Audience Gasped 125 words The Democratic Party has permanently lost my support 140 words Trump Justice Dept sues California over hours-old "net neutrality" law 127 words President Trump: "Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!" 126 words I have never seen such egregious brainwashing and moronic self-righteousness in my life from the Left...