[seeking serious answers] Why do Protestants, and non-denominationists, think that most Christians in throughout the entire Church history we’re wrong? Up until 1500s, to be a Christian was to be in the one Christian Church and accept the traditional teachings and interpretations of the Bible.

Small differences are what strengthens a collage of points of view and information being told across generations over thousands of years. During investigations, when interviewing witnesses, if the stories have minor differences, it makes sense, since different people recall different things from different perspectives. The overall story will be consistent, but small details like the color of a hat, or the height, etc, will differ. It is seen as more suspicious when all stories are 100% exact, it makes it seem thought through and discussed.

Also, I challenge you to use your own statement about statistics, to look at the odds of thousands of years old documents being fulfilled so perfectly, and yes, the story of Christ has been scientifically proven. The documents have also been dated and there are more documents that verify biblical stories that are not even religious or part of the Bible.


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