Reddit just banned r/watchpeopledie

I’ve seen your subreddit. It’s like you’re talking from the perspective that people aren’t aware what toxic, fucked up, disgusting community is about. I remember ogrish, I remember spacedicks, I remember all the other basic carbon copy communities of the same people.

You’re not educational. You’re not using this for some purpose to show what the real world is like for others across the globe even if “you have a Muslim friend” in your mods. That is the equivalent argument to, “we’re not racist we have black friends” but instead of defending racist comments you’re defending the fact you people are desensitized and find entertainment value in watching real people experience the worst things one can experience

The fact you’re trying to put yourself and your community on a pedestal after supporting something so heinous is shocking to me...again even if you got a Muslim friend.

You’re the worst parts of the internet that give others reasons to want censorship. You’re helping create the very thing you want least. Get fucked

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