Mod on /r/TrueReddit, a sub declaring itself to be for "intelligent discussion" about "great, insightful articles" announces a blanket ban on any articles deemed too right-wing by them (including articles against illegal immigration), no matter how insightful, and then bans me for questioning it.

I honestly cannot for the life of me understand how the Democrats were able to pull off convincing half of the country that illegal immigration is a good thing and that taking issue with it is a partisan stance of the "far right". And apparently every single person who is even moderatly conservative or has ever voted republican is not onnly the right.. but FAR right.

there is no more regular right. only progressive liberal and FAR right.

and they did it in just a couple years lol. Here's Obama giving a speech about illegal immigration in 2014

Between the years of 2014 and 2016, the entire party and all their voters became pro-illegal immigration. And they pretend like it was always that way, and you're racist if you disagree with them.

It's like I'm living in fucking Bizzaro world. This is absolute insanity. haha.

MY point of this post isn't political... it's more pointing out that not only is the idea of being "pro-illegal immigration" fucking insane and absolutely retarded and it should not even be a partisan issue. But it has become so partisan that you can now get banned from Reddit for even thinking about questioning that stance and having the audacity to express your opinion or asking any questions about it.

Absolute fucking insanity.

Go try to sneak into Canada between border checkpoints without a passport and see what happens lol

/r/WatchRedditDie Thread Link -