Chapo users asked to post my “hog.” I’m a minor... they’re asking a literal child for dick pics

Did I ever say anti Semite? No.

But on to Judaism. Are we talking Hasidic here? Because they get plenty of criticism for the fucked up shit they do. Are we talking mainstream? Because every practicing Jew I know doesn’t give a shit whether you’re catholic, Christian, atheist, black, white, brown. Just like Catholics. The holy book says some fucked up shit but it’s only the fucked up people that follow those parts. This day and age we know what’s right and what’s wrong. I mean there’s a billion Islamic people in the world. 1% of them are blowing shit up. Should we condemn those people that do? Yes. But we shouldn’t hold the people just trying to get by accountable for the actions of the violent few. Just like all gun owners should not be punished for the few bad apples.

But the more I think about it I will say you’re an anti Semite. You hate Jews and what they stand for and use the lame circumcision shit as a jumping point to find like minded people.

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