199 words DAE read in an unusual way? 174 words Feeling of ostracism and isolation 161 words Feeling humiliated because I can't recognize boundaries 177 words A Boutique Computer Store based on Neurodiversity 186 words anyone else lost or pushed away their best friends? 194 words is agoraphobia more common in autistic people? 180 words I got obsessed romantically again, and broke a relationship with the weight of my selfishness. 200 words Creative project affirming aspergirl identity - ideas welcomed! 160 words Anyone else craves friendships, and yet is unable to make any/is not really good at keeping them up? 188 words Is this an overreaction? 126 words DAE still have anxiety about when the "world will open up again" but keep it hidden as you don't want to appear like you sympathize with the protestors? 138 words I just wish this pandemic was over so I could be back with my girlfriend. 153 words Are people with autism often blamed for misinterpretation regardless of the direction it goes or is it just me? 182 words I have never felt a sense of belonging. Does anyone else also feel this way? 207 words Has anyone beaten the odds? 408 words Tired of being judged? Tired of trying to fit in? Stop torturing yourself. It can get better... today. 242 words I hate that feeling when you talk to someone you just met and they first think you’re normal, but after talking to you a little bit they find you ‘off’ and avoid you or get nervous around you 465 words Adult with autism here. I personally find it extremely difficult to identify certain personality traits in people. Ex: “So-and-so is very manipulative.” I always think, “really? How? What even is ‘manipulation’ anyway? Does anyone else feel this way? 1,165 words What is the longest amount of time you have gone without talking to anyone in person? 1,060 words I hate my disabilities so much