885 words How Comfortable Do You Feel Speaking About Your Autism? 143 words Did DMT and a female entity got mad at me because I couldnt look her in the eyes. 240 words Bullshit Autism Diagnoses bullshit disabilities 175 words Autism shows gender differences; I wrote about the science of why. 127 words You might not have Asperger's... 167 words What kind of jobs do most of you work as an aspire I’m currently an aspiring nurse and I would like to go to school but I’m severely depressed and can’t stand myself and feel like I’m incapable of doing such 216 words personal money question(s) 211 words I'm gonna get a doggo... Delete all social media, stay at home, and become mute. Probably have an at home IT job and stay away from everyone I know. Dating is stupid and I don't think I really want it and friends never have time for me much less do they understand 146 words i have high functioning autism 124 words How do I tell him I think he has AS? 141 words Hey, so why the FUCK do (some) one-on-ones scold kids for stimming? What the fuck? What the FUCK? / One-on-one horror stories (please share!) 165 words Just got diagnosed and I’m having trouble actually coming to terms with it 145 words Trans and on the spectrum? 178 words I'm having suicidal thoughts and I don't know what to do. The American mental health system scares me. What do I do? 150 words Is it common for people with AS to have sleep disorders? 156 words Who else over age 21 has never had a relationship? 555 words Is this a sensory thing? Or an anxiety thing? 194 words Planning on killing myself 132 words I'm an openly autistic Catholic priest (saying so for the first time on World Autism Awareness Day) 188 words For those of you who have dealt with the loss of someone close or have gone through the process of grief, how was the experience for you in terms of feeling and expressing the different emotions and going through the different “stages”?