242 words Just your average confederate flag supporter, letting us know he's okay! 208 words Paid NRA shill who said George Floyd died from a drug overdose 129 words Serbian far right group, Levijatan, showing their masculine superiority! 108 words Nazi’s Caught Dressing As BLM Protestors To Instigate Riots 130 words Cowardly Nazis of the Patriot Front group march through Washington DC while hiding from Antifa behind a wall of cops 206 words Future runway models at the Bulgaria Vs England game, 14/10/19 127 words "Tommy Robinson" British racist covered in milkshake 142 words The Black Hebrew Israelites, the racist black supremacists that were hurling insults at Native Americans and White teenagers at the “March for Life” 115 words bankrupt neo nazi, Milo Yiannopoulos, joins crowdfunding site Patreon for “magnificent comeback”, is banned in under 24 hours, remains $4M in debt 308 words Jordan Peterson suggested that killing and making fun of Jewish people is bad, and his audience went ballistic 338 words Incels with a torch of tiki. 153 words Hitler really was a pretty good guy and is the only reason we are not all Bolshevik slaves 129 words Canadian man who attacked a Colombian family with a baseball bat while yelling "ISIS! Terrorist!" 157 words Nazi manlet trying to spread his "wisdom". Gets punched in the face. Of course he cries like a coward. 148 words Trump appointee Carl Higbie resigns after it was revealed he said things like “I just don’t like Muslim people” and “black women think breeding is a form of government employment” 179 words "Killing muslims ain't bad, because they're muslims" 207 words Does this count? 198 words Self described Nazi I kicked out of the Seattle BLM march.