Just your average confederate flag supporter, letting us know he's okay!

She didn’t believe in abortions because she thought they should be avoided through the sterilization of blacks-



The majority of their services are birth control and sterilization. They still operate in majority black areas- they have a mission.

There are free health clinics nationwide for those with medicaid. It is not Planned Parenthood’s mission to be anything other than a means to limit minority populations.

It’s in the fucking name -“planned parenthood” — well, guess what, poor people often don’t plan to be parents. They don’t have the luxury. They should have access to healthcare and the right to choose, but that’s not what planned parenthood offers.


Why aren’t whites girls under the age of 30 offered sterilization? Why aren’t white girls under the age of 20 convinced to get Depo? It’s because it’s not the right choice for most. One is expensive if not impossible to reverse and the other has huge side effects. They push them on women of color. I’m all about access to healthcare- I believe in a single payer system. But, being liberal and progressive does not mean I have to agree with a fucking organization that was founded to limit the reproduction of blacks and immigrants.

/r/beholdthemasterrace Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it