Cowardly Nazis of the Patriot Front group march through Washington DC while hiding from Antifa behind a wall of cops

I believe that violence is never the answer, even if there is some guy with a swastika tattooed on him. There are many other ways to deal with such problems. Antifa commits the largest amount of domestic terror incidents in the USA, which is unacceptable. Any form of extremism is horrible on any side, be it good or bad. Fascists are very bad people, and I think we can agree that they shouldn't exist in any country. The thing is, many members Antifa use "Nazi" or "Fascist" as a word to describe people against them. It's really rude to throw around a word that was used by the killers of millions of innocent lives. Remember, Nazi is not a word that someone should call someone else (unless they really are).

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