157 words Ben Weyts wil volgende week zelf met datum voor heropening van scholen komen 241 words Covid-19 Megathread 5: All Corona related opinions, discussion,... here! 362 words Hier bevinden de coronapatiënten zich in België, dit is hun leeftijd, dit is de evolutie 272 words ‘We zien de laatste stuiptrekkingen van het tijdperk van de kwade, witte mannen’ 392 words Bijna alle Belgische websites riskeren boete voor cookies, eerste veroordeling is binnen. 246 words ' People with a double nationality shouldn't have the right to vote or be in the Belgian Parlement' 116 words Hello guys! Any suggestions to visit in Belgium? I like to explore food, culture and arts. Any recommendations? First time in europe! I’m a filipina! Thanks in Advance! 150 words Teenage girl killed in truck accident 247 words National registry number 255 words [Opinion] Hoe de N-VA haar zo geliefde Verlichting de rug toekeert 116 words Muslim family dragged out of Belgian embassy in Beijing by Chinese police - A Belgian diplomat was expected to travel to China’s restive Xinjiang region on Tuesday to try and confirm the whereabouts of the woman and her four children, who are members of the Uighur minority. 234 words 2019 Elections Megathread 148 words Being an emergency dispatcher must be a stressful job 298 words How do we solve the problems with nmbs? 152 words Di Rupo: ‘Bart De Wever is niet onmisbaar' 205 words Truthful Tuesday. 654 words Ten years of offshore wind energy: Belgium is among the five largest players in the world 142 words Werkloosheid daalt spectaculair, aantal leefloners stijgt fors: “Geen hoera-stemming over dalende werkloosheidscijfers” 413 words F*$*ing Friday 378 words bende van linkeroever verdient 2-miljoen euro aan cannabis/hasj-handel