109 words CMV: People who believe euthanasia should be legal should also support abortion being legal. 115 words CMV: Epstein's Black Book is a definitive list of names involved in the child trafficking ring. 192 words CMV: Children Should Know What LGBT People Are 113 words CMV: Puberty blocks and gender reassignment surgery should not be given to kids under 18 and further, there should be limits on how much transgender ideology and information reaches them. 157 words CMV: I don't want to be vaccinated, but I'm not antivax, per say. let me explain my view 124 words CMV: The vast majority of people driving trucks do not need it 161 words CMV: When given the chance to save the life of an animal or a random human, I would in every scenario choose the human 128 words CMV: I think it’s good that some men don’t bother approaching women or even bother to date anymore. 137 words CMV: San Francisco residences should stop enabling the mentally ills that are terrorizing and harassing people. 153 words Cmv: Birds are a separate class from Reptilia. Both closely related yet separate. 216 words CMV: pup and age play have an underlying zoophilic or pedophilic thought 204 words CMV: We are all being played by Russian bots and trolls…and the trans issue is a great example 140 words cmv: There is nothing wrong with being shallow and materialistic, because secretly , everyone is 297 words CMV: You don’t have Free Will in any compacity; Life operates on non religious Determinism. 224 words CMV: If you raise your children in an inner city environment, you don’t actually care about them. 206 words CMV: “Men are violent” is an overused and often terrible excuse for shitty behavior from women and is misandry 162 words CMV: being “out of touch” shouldn’t be a reasonable criticism 145 words CMV: Elon Musk “came out” as conservative to avoid backlash from his sexual misconduct allegations 166 words CMV: Ukraine should not have won the Eurovision Song Contest 212 words CMV: Sunday morning is the best time to see a movie.