143 words Are Hunters bad in pvp/pve? 121 words +1 for the Classic team 139 words Blue post regarding the LFG Add-on 143 words Classic WoW should be cheaper than retail WoW 326 words Diagram of the average time needed each level until level 60 683 words Overlooked: Layering is going to permanently affect server economy if it's present in end-game. 186 words WoW classic devs will do an AMA on 8/20 at 10 AM PST 146 words A guildmate asked how hard it would be to craft [Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros]. tl;dr It's gonna take some time. 209 words Imagine defending this even if it's only in Phase 1.... lol 213 words I understand the purpose of layering in the open world - but wouldn't it be better if it at least was disabled in the big cities? Orgrimmar should be full of people right now - yet it's just so empty. 222 words Layering sucks but many of you are being really selfish about it. 285 words I understand the purpose of layering in the open world - but wouldn't it be better if it at least was disabled in the big cities? Orgrimmar should be full of people right now - yet it's just so empty. 120 words Layering/Sharding Is Never Leaving - Musings from a Data Nerd 157 words Official Classic WoW NA Server List 139 words Announcing RP-PVP In WoW Classic 138 words What Should I Play Wednesdays (August 07, 2019) 140 words The big Wow Classic interview in lead up to launch 316 words Classy Friday - Warlocks (July 26, 2019) 132 words Do you try to minimize the min/maxing? 208 words World Buffs Are NOT An Exploit! | Skarmtank