Are Hunters bad in pvp/pve?

I'm just letting him know he has the chance.

Nobody said he doesn't, it's just harder to get into raids as a hunter.

Here are raid comps as Vanilla progresses:

As you can see, for hunters, it hovers around 3 until naxx where it drops to 2.

Here you can see a sample of classic wow class selection from Firemaw:

Hunters are at about 9%.

Given that hunters ideally take up about 5% of the last vanilla raid, but make up 9% of the population means that 4% aren't gonna get in -- that's almost half.

Now compare it to warriors. They ideally take up 22% of a raid, and about 20% of the population are warriors, so they'll be in demand.

And this is exactly how it played out in vanilla originally.

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