122 words A Letter to Blizzard Entertainment (x-posting for those that haven't seen it yet) 153 words Anyone having a hard time choosing a class? Post your dilemma and see if the community can help you logic through it. 120 words Unpopular opinion : The future of WoW classic 151 words Vanilla player archetypes. Which are you? 113 words News Article Explains Blizzard's Relationship with Streamers/Content Creators 117 words To the people complaining about sub fee. 118 words Sharding is Confirmed 656 words When you're a Paladin and you stroll through Stormwind and see other level 40s without a mount 142 words How would more affordable respec hurt the game? Or even, dare I say it in this sub?... dual spec. Who is the victim? 265 words What are you most looking forward to DOING in Classic? 460 words Least gear dependant class for pure PvP? 138 words Can we as a community make a push to prevent Sharding, Phasing and CRZ? 185 words Fun and farming classes? 436 words Does a Game's Design Dictate its Community? 299 words Let's address the elephant in the room fellas...Reserved runs! Will people continue this obscene dynasty in Classic WoW?! 275 words What the hell will we main 176 words Noxious' 2h in-depth analysis of game design in the early era of WoW and today, or: How a single game can have two completely different player bases. 336 words Let's talk about changes! 245 words Fair warning to you people that want to roll an Enhancement Shaman 210 words What is the highest skill cap class in PvP?