310 words Is it ok to take "fun" classes? 210 words Have you ever taken a hard class just for the challenge? 189 words Independent college students with no parental assistance: What's your story? 268 words How do you get invited to a party when you don't have any friends? 602 words I'm a skeptic who just enrolled in the University of the People MBA program. I'll be documenting my experience. 330 words Did remedial classes in community college help you? 202 words Vote IYSSE! No to war and militarism! Oppose political censorship at NYU! For equality and socialism! 150 words Megathread: College X vs. College Y? 290 words No Financial Support from (well off?) Parents 191 words I graduated from a tier 1 university and many of my classmates don't seem to have it together career wise. How common is this? 170 words Financial Aid Was Denied because I didn't enroll as a full-time student even though I am 205 words If I'm white, but both my parents and I were born in Africa, for the sake of college admissions, am I African American? 235 words My roommate is smoking weed again after being told not to. 222 words Caught drinking by an RA at another college? 308 words I'm 22, feel stuck in a rut, need to go to school 214 words Started college but the truth is I just want to be a stay at home mother & housewife. 432 words 24 in college, and feeling a little lost. 200 words Hey guys, starting college at age 15 this year. HELP! 227 words Major change in plans: Opinions / thoughts wanted 189 words What is: The relationship between a person's socioeconomic standing and their choice of major in college.