If I'm white, but both my parents and I were born in Africa, for the sake of college admissions, am I African American?

Im sorry but your wrong. Racism is not one sided. Racism is happening on all sides weather you want to admit it or not.

And your being racist against OP because you think he should not go for the program because he is white.

The sheer fact you want to provide the program for black african only means your racist against white african.

In almost every case there is white and black racism and discrimination on both sides.

In the past it was primarily white racism against black, here in the 21st century its become more equal however more so black is racist against white these days. It comes from the globally accepted norm of whites being the agressor and blacks being the victims, however now the black race is pushing back and racism is hard on both ends.

In the 21st centure we didnt get less racism, as whites became less racist blacks became more rasict. Its a problematic cycle and it must be recognised.

In the larger scheme of things it just adds to the mess and actually promotes racism and discrimination when programs are made to help or target a group or ethnicity.

Treat everyone equally and get the fuck over it.

/r/college Thread Parent