Vote IYSSE! No to war and militarism! Oppose political censorship at NYU! For equality and socialism!

Very rough analysis of NYU's Financial Statements:

  • $7.2 billion in net assets (p3)
  • $177 million increase to net assets in 2016 (p4)
    • This shows that NYU isn't making a significant amount of moeny year-to-year. 2.5% growth matches inflation. Basically, every dollar that comes in goes back out.

Now lets look at some of the primary locations for where that money comes from each year:

  • $352 million from a perpetual trust (p21)
  • $240 million in income from students and student loans (p 19)
  • $154 million in endowment distributions, from 1.3 billion in unrestricted donar endowment funds, generating (p43)

Let's keep this simple. If NYU's core funding is 62% outside stources and 38% students, and NYU is not generating money, how do you keep a school from going bankrupt when cutting ties with military contractors and Wall Street? Or, how do you cut a full 25% of the school's expenses to let the school operate under its own power?

Respectfully, these are the kinds of questions that the Board of Trustees is going to use when they reject every one of Mr. Oseas' proposals, and the kinds of questions I, if I were an NYU student, would want to know the answers to.

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