129 words Posting on behalf of a friends 245 words The amount of creepy shit I get is disturbing. Like wtf is this. 175 words My sisters stalker of 3 years with a new number after being blocked everywhere else. 1,225 words He didn't reply at ALL after that. I kept in the character I had on at the time I received this as a reference to the pm. 152 words Wow! What a generalization! 192 words Have fun, i'm out! 236 words I don't think that he is a good person :( 211 words i'm stuck in a class with him all summer... i feel like this is going to be a long summer. (CAW) 244 words "Boobs!" The great thing about texts is that you can proofread before you hit send. Why do people think this is a good idea? [not mine][light] 315 words Potential stalker has started to tag my friend in public rants about being rejected (background & history of stalking celebrities in comments) 190 words Creepy response to my, "looking for a room to rent", ad 183 words a question for fellow creepyPMers 322 words [Modmailbag] Some of the replies we got back after turning on the banbot 412 words This is a rapist in the making. 389 words Creep Harasses me on /r/CreepyPMs 428 words A nice vein!? Well then, I'll definitely hyu! 344 words Apparently not wanting to deal with transphobia makes me a bigot. 418 words My friend's first OkCupid experience, the Air Rifle Saga. A journey of failed manipulation and dick pics. 306 words I have to play along with a lot of creepy stuff at work... 701 words Some Light Negging and TRULY Terrible Poetry. Sounds like a Tuesday!