200 words Feeling rushed and it's causing stress and doubt 171 words 'Debunking Testosterone Myths' - helpful article esp. for nonbinary &/ femme transmasculinity 200 words Did anyone feel uncomfortable using a male name and pronouns before they passed or started T? 482 words Gender Tag, anyone? 360 words Afraid 390 words What's your favorite kind of porn, guys? (NSFW AND TW) 1,176 words Wanting to be sensitive to trans 839 words In a lesbian relationship. Came out to my fiance as ftm... Now what? 350 words The weird things friends/family get upset about 323 words feeling awful from lack of representation? 319 words I'm a confused teen and I suspect I might be trans. 295 words Question about transsexual vs transgender 518 words Does this sound right to you? Top surgery and T with next to no counseling, and only a few months after identifying as trans 321 words I think I'm not as trans as I thought I was or does anyone of the guys feel similar? 383 words With all this talk about how some trans people have no dysphoria and that gender identity is not linked to body parts, is the onus on us then, as dysphoric transfolk to redefine what body parts we consider "male" and "get over" our dysphoria so we don't have to transition? :( 363 words An Angry Rant 389 words Invisibily why? It's good, bad? 369 words Feeling like you never grew up? 484 words Transgender Questionnaire for a Friend's Essay! Spreading Awareness within the Philippines. (Long Post) 361 words Trans or transmasculine?