The weird things friends/family get upset about

Most of my friends took it rly well.

My mom still views it as losing a daughter and gaining a son which, I personally, don't like that she looks at it that way. But if it helps her cope then whatever.

I did have a strange initial reaction from someone who's a friend but also.. Not a friend. We have a weird romantic past. Haven't physically seen each other since we were 14, but have kept in touch and been friends for over six years now. There's also feelings and we were each other's first love even tho we've never dated. Just very complicated. Anyway. When I first told her, she said she'd always kind of known. She was upset that I had waited so long to tell her. She was also upset bc she said for so many years she's dreamed about cuddling me as a girl, fucking me as a girl, marrying me as a girl. But now she can't. It was weird and I had no idea how to react. I just tried to reiterate that I'm the same person I've always been but now I'm gonna physically transition so that my exterior matches my interior kind of thing. I gave her space and eventually she got over all that stuff. We actually had a laugh over it recently and she was like "Yeah I had no idea what the fuck I was so stressed about."

That was probably the strangest reaction. But my closest friends were just like fuck yeah that's awesome I'm so happy for u kind of thing. My mom, five-ish months later after coming out, has been nothing but supportive from day one but she's just now starting to be more consistent with using my new name and pronouns. The pronouns she botches more than she doesn't and it kills me inside every time but I'm trying to be as patient as possible. After all she's known me as a girl for almost 21 years. Even if I've known different this entire time, she didn't. So I'm giving her the time and space to adjust.

/r/ftm Thread