120 words Been with WoW since 2005... I'm out! 236 words Former PlayStation exec questions the Xbox Game Pass model | VGC 174 words Which unpopular game needs more recognition? 291 words Those ads are getting annoying, it feels like they're begging you to play 218 words What are your favourite video game franchise(s)? Why? 195 words Fighting the good Fight for my fellow gamers!!! Join in the fun! 152 words Let's try to keep things in perspective 111 words Please don't preorder this. At least wait for user reviews. 207 words Im sorry my switch lite 122 words World at War is still the best CoD as far as I’m concerned 147 words Give me a recliner, a 64" screen, and a bag of pizza rolls. Oh to be a bachelor again. :) 145 words Difficult games are meant to be difficult. 127 words Video games have peaked 165 words question, what's are some older multiplayer games you played after its heyday and just wish you could have played it then (the ones pictured are my pic) 269 words Well you can at least buy one of them. Now if I only had money. 439 words Can this please be a thing? 124 words Got put on a wait list for the Series X yesterday, they had no idea when more stock was coming in. Got a call this morning “hey your Xbox is in come pick it up”. Thought I was gonna have to wait a couple months! 151 words Unpopular Opinion: Multiplayer games generally are much better than singleplayer games 236 words Nintendo please, just drop the price. 274 words I love being able to bond over playing my favourite Nintendo Switch games with my step bro!!!