427 words Just trolling with Murky in Haunted Mines 406 words Qm matchmaker sucks. 177 words After the patch, Dehaka has dropped from a balanced 49.7% win rate to 43.8% 195 words Blizzard - You must control ranked match making better. It's awful. 211 words For the love of god, can someone make a Hots Logs alternative? At least for the sake of competition. 1,004 words Overwatch youtubers are encouraging people to throw games in HotS for the Nexus Challenge! 240 words Future Diablo Characters Class Variants 229 words As a relative of people with gambling addiction i feel bad about 2.0 995 words In particular, we’ve received quite a bit of feedback surrounding Loot Chest rewards for veteran players. We’re still actively discussing everything you’ve sent our way this week, and will have more information on this topic to share with you soon." 285 words A veteran player convinces his friend to try out HotS 2.0, and they finish a game together. This conversation follows. 954 words Heroes of the Storm evoluciona a su versión 2.0 334 words Improving the Ladder, Competitive Heroes. 336 words This video perfectly encapsulates the Hero League way of life 220 words Stealth is easy to counter, but Heroes does a bad job of explaining that 246 words Appreciate how Heroes of the Storm is so different from other MOBA 642 words HotS art style opinions? 249 words Done with hots. 352 words Man, it looks like Smite has HotS beat in the skins department... 250 words Could we Possibly change Kharazim's "Insight" to Restore OTHER heroes mana? 188 words Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | January 09 - January 15