115 words These basically unknown salt lakes in Western Australia are not a tourist spot of any sort, but just sort of exist beautifully, occasionally putting out this stunning palette of colours! 289 words Ibn Battuta is one of the most famous medieval travelers, having covered 117,000km during more than 30 years on the road. One of the most vivid accounts of his travels, is the one describing the effects of the black death, which was spreading in the Middle East as Battuta was returning from China 145 words In 1999, a waitress named Tonda Lynn Dickerson was tipped a lottery ticket and won $10 million. She was sued by her co-workers for their share. Then she was sued by the customer who tipped her the ticket. Then she was sued by the IRS and almost kidnapped by her ex. 749 words Tax Return in Australia gives you a breakdown of where your money went 122 words This is how much food you can get in Australia for a packet of cigarettes ($35-$40) 234 words Tax Return in Australia gives you a breakdown of where your money went 219 words The transformation of a street in Detroit from 2008 - 2018 135 words Laptop saved a man's life. 217 words A Soviet poster from 1944 depicting legions of German soldiers fated to die in the Russian winter thanks to Hitler's orders. 177 words 500 years of walking up the marble stairs of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 141 words Both boiling and freezing of the cyclohexane compound at the same time 458 words As Soviet troops approached Berlin in 1945, citizens did their best to take care of Berlin Zoo's animals 181 words The Titanic probably sunk because of a coal fire that owners knew about weeks before launch. And possibly killed people who would have had the ability to oppose centralized banking going off of the gold standard 275 words Hay bale wrapping machine 205 words The models of “American Gothic” 145 words Cleaning a Diamond Ring with an Ultrasonic Bath 126 words The Blue Temple, Thailand 155 words Here is what 6 months of 6 energy drinks every day does to your teeth. Full set of fake front top teeth due to it. Brushing didn't matter. 129 words This is what a jail in Sweden looks like 135 words A little village in the Faroe Islands