118 words Alabama rape victim committed suicide after being ‘bullied’ by police protecting wealthy alleged attacker 237 words GOP senators who pushed Trump to ditch Paris deal took over $10 million from big oil 274 words Jeff Bezos donating $33,000,000 is the equivalent of someone who makes $50,000 a year donating $16. 250 words Worship your masters 192 words Simple math 1,495 words Michelle Allison shares shares insights regarding the connection between fascism, greed, and fear of death among the ultra-rich. 117 words Haves, and have nots 160 words FUN FACT: Uber lost about $5B last year. If fares were set high enough to just break even they would cost more than a traditional taxi. Every rideshare you take is subsidized by the finance industry in a ploy to profit off the destruction of unionized companies and public transit 2 words Republicans IRL 135 words Welcome to America! Where 40% of all food ends up in the landfill for the sake of profits 147 words GOP rep: ‘Nobody dies because they don’t have access to healthcare’ 125 words Winning 191 words Capitalism is "natural" Darwin said so 139 words Why do poor rural Americans vote against their own economic interests? 204 words (excuse the DSA) A Reminder to the 'Apolitical' 147 words Justdoit.jpeg 143 words It’s almost like that’s EXACTLY the implication 171 words One of many things undoubtedly left out of the movie... #Churchill 311 words Are people really meant to be like this? 201 words All you need to know about American healthcare.