FUN FACT: Uber lost about $5B last year. If fares were set high enough to just break even they would cost more than a traditional taxi. Every rideshare you take is subsidized by the finance industry in a ploy to profit off the destruction of unionized companies and public transit

They also tried to make it here in Denmark, but when they were expected to pay taxes and follow laws (labour, union, what have you) they left and gave everyone with their app installed a message about how they got forced out and asked them to write our politicians.

Already pretty /r/ABoringDystopia, /r/LateStageCapitalism etc.

But it kinda worked, several of our libertarian politicians are tweeting about how cheaper and better it would be to get around if we had uber back, and gaining the young vote with it, one of the politicians who often tweet about how we should change the law away from helping people to instead benefit corporations, also had a election add he put on every bike saying "lower taxes would mean you could afford a car" (it got disproven on national television), he also had a big banner saying he was the last defence against socialism.

He got elected btw, young people love him.

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