478 words Interesting thing about Gamora 609 words Give me an Iron-Man game where I can do stuff like this with the boys and you have my money. 124 words Had War Machine and Vision appeared in Spiderman :Homecoming? 153 words If it wasn't Captain Marvel, which character from the comics could have taken the role of this "last hope" that Nick Fury would call? 370 words Brie Larson laughing it up behind the scenes in Captain Marvel costume 168 words Minor detail: Tony Stark from Iron Man (2008) also appears in The Avengers (2012) 115 words Captain Marvel isn’t going to come out of nowhere to save the day in Avengers 4 118 words [SPOILERS] AMATW explains what Strange says in IW, and IW explains something about AMATW 146 words Unfortunately, she’s die alone (SPOILER) 145 words Explain an MCU plot badly. 151 words Whatever happened to this piece of concept art for Infinity War? Do you think it was really intended for the movie? 141 words Ranking of the MCU movies from a website called Flickmetrix that takes scores from the Tomatometer, Audience Rating, IMDb, Letterbox and Metascore and makes an average... and wow 117 words Marvel Just Waiting on the Phone Call that Gives Them X-Men/FF Rights 495 words 10 years ago I got my girlfriend of two months to go see Iron Man with me. She only went because it had her man crush RDJ in it. Yesterday we went to IW, now husband and wife, both very excited. What an awesome movie. What an awesome decade. 343 words Honestly, i don’t really have much hype now with marvel movies anymore 115 words The Official INFINITY WAR Discussion Infinithread Vol. 4 118 words Would Ross have rather'd the helicarriers gun down 20 million people instead? Seriously. 142 words I really hope they recreate this iconic scene, Thanos in his majestic vehicle! 157 words The community confronting a harsh (probable) truth 158 words Buckys Trigger Words