If it wasn't Captain Marvel, which character from the comics could have taken the role of this "last hope" that Nick Fury would call?


Nick Fury sees Agent Hill and many others around him disappearing. He rushes to his car and grabs his old classic watch.
Nick activates his watch and disappears: "Motherf--"
The watch falls to the ground, the camera zooms in and we see the Sentry "S" blinking on the watch.
Scene change: We see a farm and a house.
Inside the house there is an out of shape guy preparing popcorn, grabbing it and going to the living room: "Popcorn's ready, Lindy."
He immediately realizes that something is wrong: "Lindy..?"
He hears a beeping sound, turns around and sees an old classic blue phone with the Sentry S on it.
Scene change: We see the house from the outside again and a streak of golden energy rushing through the roof and into the air.
The streak of energy flies off and creates a sonic boom in process, followed by epic music.


/r/marvelstudios Thread