Buckys Trigger Words

This kind of has been explored by fans, and personally I don't think we're going to see much of the REAL meaning of them all... IW sieems quite convoluted already, but I wish we could.

I have only heard on an interview about the "Homecoming" was reference to Spider-Man: Homecoming, upcoming Marvel film. That is the only one I feel like was clarify.

The other one that I feel could be a little obvious, are "17", "9" and "1"... 1917 was the year in which Bucky was born. Again, not confirmed was I think it's connected to that.

The words likely to have no specific meaning, looking them up I see words like "longing" and "kind-hearted", probably trying to affect Bucky's emotional part, same with "freight car"... Bucky fell from one when he "died", was also the last time he saw Steve.

Maybe the others could be reference to sth I'm missing, or even inside jokes in production, they do that sometimes.

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