Unfortunately, she’s die alone (SPOILER)

A sad end of Gamora. :(

In first GOTG film, Gamora notes that she's spent most of her life surrounded by her enemies and would be grateful to die among her friends. Here, her worst enemy forces her off a steep cliff and she dies a frosty death alone by his hand.

If she still dead after Avengers 4, Peter wouldn’t be same man anymore and I think he’s going to be less music loving guy and more hardened and cynical alcoholic who become distant from Guardians and he would blame himself for what happens with Gamora.

Losing Gamora was too much for Quill to handle and I think GOTG Vol. 3 would be about Quill become more cynical than ever.

I hope this is not the end for Gamora but if they want her to stay dead, it’s truly tragic ending of Gamora.


Gamora. :(

/r/marvelstudios Thread Link - i.redd.it