143 words Why narcissists target ENFJs 144 words State your MBTI type and your sibling/s MBTI type and describe what your relationship is like 195 words what is your actual type, and what type did 16p say you are? 201 words F19 INTJ, ask me anything 295 words If you want me to type you (for the fun of it, seeing my opinion vs what you think your type is or you need help typing yourself), answer the following! 256 words The culture of Reddit is ISTJs who think they’re INFPs. 438 words Do you think that an ENFP would make a good registered nurse and enjoy being one? 490 words Say what the annoying "popular kids" in school thought of you (and how you interacted with them)and then let people guess your type 171 words INFJ with underdeveloped Fe and high Ti 183 words people had asked about middle school and I want to know how were you guys in high school 212 words Grunt work 117 words Yes, I said it, I'm jealous 377 words What drives you to learn more about the technicalities of MBTI? 137 words How much importance do you give to mbti? 138 words Struggling to understand my socionic results. please can someone help me? I read the guides and still dont get it.. 1,375 words Weekly Type Me Thread - December 18, 2020 1,979 words Weekly Type Me Thread - November 13, 2020 326 words People who disregard MBTI as baseless pseudoscience either lack the faculties required to properly see it, or lack the willingness to accept that consciousness isn't unique enough to be un-trackable. 825 words All this ESTJ Hate 143 words Which types do you have trouble getting along with? Why do you have issues with them?