State your MBTI type and your sibling/s MBTI type and describe what your relationship is like

I’m INFx (likely P) 9w1

Older sister is an ENFP 7 and we get along pretty well on most days. We’re basically on the same wavelength so we team up a lot and have great teamwork when playing board games and in social situations.

Younger brother is an INTP 5. I used to think we were best friends growing up (and we’re 1 year apart so I always joked about us being twins because of how similar we were) but now we don’t even talk unless it’s important.

He’s become so weird and closed off and I don’t have the energy to reach out and find out what’s wrong especially cause he’s ignored past attempts by everyone in the family.

Well. This turned into a therapy session and idk how to end it but thanks for the question!

/r/mbti Thread