141 words Boys are human 125 words So I lurked r/FemaleDatingStrategy for like five minutes. The talk going on in there is evidence enough of female-on-male historic and systemic sexism. 286 words Prostate cancer is the cancer a non-smoking man is most likely to die from, but is not covered under the ACA (Obamacare). 244 words Why Is Joe Rogan So Popular? -- "He understands men in America better than most people do. The rest of the country should start paying attention." [United States of America] 512 words Why does it seem that when women die it’s seen as worse or even sadder then when a man dies 125 words Fragile Femininity 218 words UK: Husband sues his wife for 'every penny' he spent on the eight-year-old son he discovered was actually fathered by another man. 141 words Do hit pieces by feminists to take away a man's personal space still have a place in 2019? 143 words Do hit pieces by feminists to take away a man's personal space still have a place in 2019? 143 words False cases are responsible to tarnish name of India. 200 words Let's set aside the "it's in my body for 9 months" and the man has to only pay for 18 years" argument for a few seconds 162 words “Please no hate, I already feel so bad..” 1,077 words Feminists want all the rights and none of the responsibilities 141 words the abuse I've received from feminists, for being a female mra 166 words A woman's best route to the top 1 percent is to marry rich, research shows 120 words I know this is shocking, but 99.99% of men won’t murder you for not going out with them 284 words Serious question. I know sometimes MGTOW and MRA are at odds, but what keeps you MRA and not MGTOW, or conversely why did you become MGTOW? 195 words About female reporters in men's locker rooms 184 words The truth is that scared men never cry 208 words Men suffer the most most violence, followed by boys, followed by girls, followed finally by women -- the most privileged group in society. Hence the "Violence against Women" act.