Do hit pieces by feminists to take away a man's personal space still have a place in 2019?

I came here because I saw the thread on /r/all, and made that comment because I was surprised that the "it's hypocritical to complain about man caves if you want safe spaces" argument was made and nobody was even mentioning how popular "man cave" used to be, how long ago it was, and that the opposite is probably happening way more. But I'm not a subscriber here and I have zero genuine intrest in man caves or safe spaces so if you want to interpret it that way I'm not going to stop you?

I guess my stereotypes of this sub is rooted in the posts and comments that are generally upvoted here. I still don't think your precense proves anything at all, especially since you haven't posted here before, but there's always exceptions when you're looking at general trends and patterns.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link -