172 words Hundreds of people are flooding the Manhattan streets to protest against gun violence holding coffins 131 words Senator Chris Murphy asking his fellow senators why they run for Senate if they aren't trying to help people 134 words Example of precise building demolition 118 words Man Fights Off Armed Home Invader to Protect Fiancé 165 words Expressed deepest gratitude to Belgium for its support, as it was one of the first countries to provide us with defense assistance. This is a historic moment, a historical gratitude. More than 30,000 Ukrainians who have fled their homes due to the war have already been warmly welcomed by Belgians. 131 words Mongolian throat singing 223 words Supporters of oppsition leader running against a son of a former dictator in the Philippines 118 words “I’m the only woman on this podium … the only physician on this podium … THIS BILL IS A SHAM … YOU ARE KILLING WOMEN.” Kentucky State Senator spells out her NO vote on abortion ban. 173 words Super alert bus driver warns motorcyclist of incoming pedestrian 161 words Paramedics in jet packs for hard-to-reach terrain in the U.K. 130 words Civilization that said 250 words 5 years on from breaking her neck and becoming quadriplegic, this happened. Hard work and determination pays off! 668 words A snapshot of the Russian economy: an investment expert goes live on air and says his current career trajectory is to work as "Santa Claus" and then drinks to the death of the stock market (With subtitles) 142 words Anti-war protest in St. Petersburg, Russia, March 2, 2022. The protesters were chanting "No to war!" 133 words Japanese nuclear bombings as shown in the movie "Barefoot Gen" - 1983. The author of manga was a survivor. 172 words The Teacher Who Drew Microsoft Word 148 words Balancing on a tightrope over a cliff 146 words Steve Irwin on money 186 words Booby traps that were used by Vietnamese during the Vietnam War 252 words Guy teaches police officers about the law