165 words Unpopular opinion: The Evil Within 1 > The Evil Within 2. But I enjoyed both and am convinced that this is a series that deserves more sequels. 153 words Dragon Age: Inquisition didn't age well... 291 words How much do you “research” a game before you play it? 118 words I finally played The Last of Us for the first time. What made it so groundbreaking? 127 words I feel like an old man but I'm 26 and I can't do multiplayer anymore 150 words Is everyone here actually a patient gamer? 209 words What Are You Playing This Week? - February 27, 2020 123 words I just finished Pandora's Tower (Wii) - Loved it! 322 words Which is your most played videogame that you hate/despise/don't like? 146 words Is it weird that some of my most memorable gaming experiences involve patiently grinding away? Also, please recommend. 181 words Do you ever feel a sort of nostalgia for games you have played in the past, but at the same time you wouldn't want to play them again now? 124 words Where's my 'Easy setting' gamer family at? 119 words Experiencing the PS3 for the first time, in late 2019 190 words I finished Bioshock Infinite today. I hated the ending 511 words Legend of Zelda- Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time 203 words Playing Nier Automata for the first time, and, well... I don't know... 181 words Games like farcry 3 and 4? 123 words I'm just not getting Dragon Age Origins... 120 words 12 hours in, and I think I'm done with Divinity Original Sin 2. 122 words JRPGs need to get to the point