Unpopular opinion: The Evil Within 1 > The Evil Within 2. But I enjoyed both and am convinced that this is a series that deserves more sequels.

Yup good comparison. TEW2 is definitely more popcorn-y which for the most part makes it a fun blast to play through, but does lead to one of my very few criticisms with the game which is really just a personal thing.

It became yet another 2010s third person game to do "the Dad protagonist" which, regardless how you feel about the games in question, has been done to death at this point. Even that criticism though is basically just on principle because the quality of the storytelling, voice acting, etc. re: Sebastian and Lily was really good and overcame the trope-y setup.

It came out feeling a lot more like Silent Hill 1 rather than "another Dad game" which was great. Ties into another thing actually, a real positive of both TEW games is their ability to blend their influences (cinematic and otherwise) with their own new material to create a strong identity of their own.

Just makes me want a third game even more haha

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