Is everyone here actually a patient gamer?

Reselling isn't a pro for those who intend to keep the game. Most of the PS4 games I wouldn't put at the $60 tier. Only God of War and Bloodborne I might put as "worth it", but wouldn't be something I'd be happy paying for either.

High price just changes my expectations of a game, and I'd think God of War and Bloodborne were way too short of they were firmly set at a $60 price. And I start valuing hours way more over short quality content, and would be expecting at least a hundred hours.

And something like Uncharted 4 I'd expect something much grander and longer if they took a Nintendo pricing approach, since visuals enough would definitely not be enough to satisfy me.

Guess at $60 how much hours of content there is starts mattering more than graphical presentation, and I'd start leaning more towards Breath of the Wild type games.

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