Playing Nier Automata for the first time, and, well... I don't know...

It mixes a lot of it's story moments into the gameplay very well, but it isn't immediately noticeable. Most of the big moments that I imagine stuck with people are later on in the game.

(This isn't a massive spoiler persay, but I'm spoiler-tagging it anyway for anyone who wants to be surprised) I guess an example of something early on that only works in a video game is how you encounter the enemy robots. The game portrays them as a threat initially. But as you keep playing, you start noticing how some of the robots don't attack you. In fact, a lot of them are just going about life and doing all sorts of things. I thought it was clever that the game doesn't only use cutscenes to show this to you. It puts passive robots right out there, and at first it's instinctive for the player to slaughter them. As it continued on though, I found myself questioning why I was bothering to kill the robots who were literally doing me no harm. I don't want to say much more about the game, but it's stuff like that which stood out to me as something really unique and special.

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